Saturday, January 21, 2017


Improv is one of the hardest, scariest, most embarrassing things that I have ever done.  So then why do it?  I signed up for my first improv class last October for a few reasons that were very important to me.

One – My writing.  Improv forces you to think on your feet.  When I’m writing I tend to over think things -- and sometimes it’s necessary -- but other times I’m just spinning my wheels for no reason.  (For example, I’ve seriously spent too much time drafting this post.)  Also, a lot of comedy writers come from improv, so it can only help!

Two – Public Speaking.  In my work life, I have zero opportunities to speak in front of a crowd.  Public speaking is one of those things that gets easier the more you do it, so signing up for improv class is my way to flex those muscles.  My hope is that by the end of these classes I won’t shake or have ragging butterflies in my stomach whenever I speak in front of an audience.

Three – Confidence.  Sometimes I don’t feel like my most confident self even when there is no reason for me to feel otherwise.  So what better way to gain confidence then by making people laugh?  Of course, the risk is that your joke won’t land, and you’ll fall on your face and die.  Okay, maybe it’s not that dramatic, but basically my thought is…if I can do this, then I can do other things that scare me.

My improv 101 class right after our class show.
Wednesday night, I had my first 201 class.  I wish I could say that I was calm and collected while I ran through the scenes like a young Amy Poehler, but that would be a lie.  I was hella nervous.  My FitBit was reading a steady 100 bmp the entire three hours.  But by the end, I met some cool new people, and I had fun.  There’s only 7 weeks before our class performance, so fingers crossed that with a little luck and a lot of practice everything will go well.  But most of all I hope to improve on my three goals.

For now I will leave you with this, a UCB Improv video that will definitely make you laugh.

